Saturday 2 July 2022



Trifle is originated in 18th century in England. Actual word is Trufle, a French term, not Trifle, which means something whimsical.

In English version of Trifle real egg custard is poured over sponge cake,which is soaked in sherry. Then the layer of fruit followed by whipped cream.

In traditional Trifle layers are distributed in cake pieces,custard, fruits,jelly and cream.

Keep it in mind that Trifle has four steps ..

(a) Prepare custard and cool it.

(b) Prepare cake and fruits

(c) Whip cream

(d) Assemble Trifle

Prepare the custard at least 5 hours before so that while setting the custard comes to room temperature. Custard should be very thick.

Set jelly and keep it in refrigerator.

Cut your choice of fruits in small cubes.

Cut sponge cake into cubes/ fingers or strips. Cubes or fingers will be used without jam, whereas strips will be rolled with jam layer.

Spread jam of your choice over cake strip and roll every strip. 

Cut fruits in small cubes.

For assembling ...

First layer: Cake pieces or rolls + jelly 

Second layer: very thick custard

Third layer: Fruits

Repeat these layers till your requirement is complete.

Top layer: spread whipped cream

Keep it in refrigerator for at least 5 hours before serving.

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